Rahmat Haverkamp

Tenderness Table Image II

Tenderness Table (top view)

The Drifters and Balancing Act

The Drifter and Balancing Act

Dutch born artist Rahmat Haverkamp makes use of various disciplines and techniques to breathe new life into neglected, often disgarded, furniture. Her creations are all one of a kind.

Ganed yr artist Rahmat Haverkamp yn yr Iseldiraidd. Mae hi yn defnyddio amrywiol disgyblaethau a thechnegau er mwyn rhoi bywyd newydd i gelfi sydd wedi eu heageuluso neu'n cael eu taflu i ffwrdd. Mae ei gwaith i gyd yn unigryw.

email: devarahmat@hotmail.com
mobile: 079 1995 2013

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Tenderness Table

Tenderness Table (side view)