Johanne Moss

Slug Design for cushion cover

Slug Design for cushion cover

Selection of wallpapers

Selection of wallpapers & cushions for 'Woodland Adventure'.


'Bluebird' wallpaper from 'Woodland Adventure' collection.

Johanne considers herself a textile designer who brings sheer delight into the home with her quirky fabrics and wallpapers. As a recent graduate from Carmarthen School of Art, she attained a first class BA (Hons) in Design Studies, and was also nominated Student of the Year. Living in rural Pembrokeshire provides the inspiration for her cheeky wildlife characters, which have a naive quality about them. Passionate about printmaking, Johanne's simple sketches are developed through various print processes into whimsical designs.

"I just love the countryside & my aim is to encourage children to enjoy the same, thus promoting a healthy lifestyle in this era of increasing technology".

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